About Us

Fremont Robotics was founded to advance intelligent automation.

We are a team of innovation-minded and solution-focused people excited to help our customers advance their goals through intelligent automation solutions.  We know the only way to help our customers is to think “ahead-of-the-curve” and bring new ideas, new solutions, and new experiences to life daily.  Showing our customers what is possible is the first step in making our customers more successful.  

​​At the same, time we also know that intelligent automation is not only a hardware problem.  A combination of modern software platforms combined with new hardware platforms is the way to create end-to-end solutions.  We come from software, we come from hardware, and we know the challenges of integrating them together.  But we also know that at this intersection is where the magic happens.  ​​

We are focused on key industry verticals and bring our expertise to solve some of the most interesting and challenging problems in the market today.  We have seen a lot, and we know the challenges and the risks.  Let's work together to advance your business!​

Contact us today to talk about moving your business forward through intelligent automation solutions.  ​